Health Is Wealth BUT Wealth Is Health Too!

3 John 1:2 AMP – Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually].

Exodus 15:26 – “… For I am the Lord who heals you.”

I don’t know about you but for me being sick is not fun!

Recently I had to take some time off (about a month) to nurse and recover from being ill. Sickness is often unplanned, unexpected, undesired and totally unfriendly to your finances! It takes the luster out of life when you’re ill. You can’t work or if you can you don’t function at your best. Your finances are impacted either because you have to go to the doctor or hospital. And if you are not able to work at all; you lose your main income stream and the level of your wealth decreases. When you recover from ill-health, you also have to begin the work of recovering – physically, mentally, emotionally and financially.


When you have good health, you have good wealth

I consider good health as wealth because when you are healthy:

  • You are happier when you are healthy or healthier
  • You are productive and when you are productive you can create wealth
  • You get to make solid, clear decisions about your life and your finances
  • You are more grateful when you are healthy. Personally, I find sickness makes you more aware of the wealth i.e. the goodness of good health. Whenever I am ill and I recover, I find that I am even more appreciative to God for the blessing of good health and for healing me and for giving me back my health!


When you have wealth, you can have good health

You may be asking what does money have to do with good health. But look at it this way – when you have wealth or more than enough for the basics, you have the ability to maintain a good, healthy life.

  • You can eat the right kinds of foods that promote good health
  • You can invest in being active and getting support to stay physically fit
  • You can get the most appropriate, needed and proactive medical care
  • You stress less about your finances and feel more at ease which mean you’re less likely to have stress-related illnesses

So consider this, how wealthy are you? how healthy are you? The two go hand in hand. Health impacts wealth and wealth impact health.

A friend recently said this to me; “If something happened to me, I don’t have enough money to even cover the initial medical care. I know I should have money set aside for those unpleasant aspects of life but I just been too busy and my finances are all over the place!”

How about you? Key to your good health and that of your loved ones is being sure that you enough to take care of them – daily and when medical issues arise. Right now, can you say that you are well positioned financially for such any unexpected, unplanned and undesired aspects of life (such as sickness, or accident). I am not just talking about having an “emergency fund” (or what I call a Freedom Fund because it free you from the stress of not having enough when an emergency happens). But it is also about having wealth – more than enough – to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Whether we like it or not it takes money to obtain or do the things necessary to live and live healthy too.

The Lord desires you to have a great relationship with you but at the same time He wants you to be healthy and wealthy too (3 John 1:2, Psalm 35:27). Are you living a healthy and wealthy life? Do you need help building up your wealth, getting debt-free and living financially stress-free so that you can be in good health? Then book a free call with me now to learn the steps to a wealthy, healthy life! I can wait to hear from you 😊.


About the Author:
Hi, I am Pamela, a Money Mastery Coach and Encourager to Christian Professional Women. I am creator of the Master Your Money Coaching Program and I empower Christian professional women, 30s and up, who feel overwhelmed and stressed around money to masterly achieve their money goals. I work with my clients towards being stress free by getting debt free, earning more, investing more, and giving more using biblical principles and easy-systems.

I have over 20 years of experience in the financial service industry and love studying, writing and teaching biblical wealth management principles. I can help you shift from inaction to faith-filled action and create an easy money system so you can master your money and achieve your goals. Let’s Talk!

Health Is Wealth BUT Wealth Is Health Too! Read More »