trust God

9 Ways to Defeat Fear

Fear Not, Be Courageous
Image credit: iqoncept / 123RF Stock Photo

And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!”            —Judges 6:12

Fear is such a debilitating emotion. It can overwhelm you emotionally and paralyze you physically. It can cause you to make irrational decisions. Have you ever experienced moments before you about to do something your heart starts beating heavily or the palm of your hands sweating and your mind starts racing with all kinds of negative thoughts that you are about to fail?

Recently I experienced that and it was such an awful feeling that I laid my hand on my chest and started to pray. I didn’t even have the strength in me to pray out loud but as I whispered a prayer God assured me that He was with me. I was able to stand up and speak without fear but instead with great boldness.

It’s interesting that the feeling of fear often comes when you are about to step out and do good, follow your dreams, do the work of the Lord or do something purposeful or meaningful that would bless others. Fear often comes when you need to step outside your comfort zone.

The account of Gideon shows us how God dealt with the problem of fear before He could bring victory to Israel over Midian. We can learn from this, how we and God can together defeat the spirit of fear that tries to derail our lives.


Remember That God Is With You (Judges 6:12)

God tells Gideon even before giving him his assignment that he is a mighty man of (fearless) courage and that He is with him. Even in the midst of your fears or troubles, God calls you fearless or mighty. You are commanded to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power (Ephesians 6:10). God was speaking into Gideon life and now into yours. He is saying you are even though you are not yet.


God Thinks Highly You, So Should You (Judges 6:14-16)

God does not address Gideon’s complaint that the Lord has given up on Israel but proceeds to give Gideon his assignment. Gideon’s fear is heard in his response. Fear make you feel small and disqualified and lacking in the ability to do what you need to do. Gideon’s excuse clearly shows this but God address this. God assures you and I that He will be with us in our doing (Judges 6:16) and that we will do great things.


Tell God Your Concerns (Judges 6: 17-24)

Even when God speaks, fear will cause you to question whether God did speak to you or not. Like Gideon you may ask for a sign. Gracious, loving and patient is our God to give us peace that He’s the One who directed us. God calms your fear when you tell him about it and gives you peace (Philippians 4:6-7).


Take Baby Steps of Faith (Judges 6:25-27)

With a little assurance, confirmation and direction from the Lord, you may begin to take little leaps of faith. Gideon destroys the gods but in the night and with the help of others. His faith wasn’t yet strong enough to do it openly but he did it anyway. Sometimes you have to take baby steps towards what God has called you to do. But step toward the right direction nonetheless. Move forward, no matter how small a move it may seem to be.


Rely On the Holy Spirit (Judges 6:34-40)

The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you and that’s where boldness comes from. God will also propel you forward. When the time of war was approaching Gideon moved forward when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. But even with that step, Gideon still had his reservations and asked God for a sign twice. Where fear linger, self-doubt exist. Like Gideon, there are times you will question and seek confirmation God that you are the one to do what He has asked you to.


Work to Eliminate Fear (Judges 7:2-3)

On the battle field fear also had to be banished. Out of 32,000 men, 22,000 were afraid and God release them. It is difficult to fight the enemy when you are afraid. The odds are against you because you have stacked them up against yourself. Defeat is predictable when you fight in fear. As children of God, we face a daily battle against the enemy; we have to defeat fear or the enemy will devour us.


Accept God’s Ways, Though Different (Judges 7:4-8)

God further reduced the number of warriors to a meager 300 men. God wanted Gideon to experience the power of diminishing numbers (Judges 6:11, Judges 7:2). In Christ, less means more.


Seek the Support of A Prayer Partner (Judges 7:9-11)

However, Gideon still had thoughts of fear. But God in his great love and understanding; graciously tells Gideon that if he was afraid he could take Purah with him to spy out the enemy’s camp. At times you will need support of a friend or a prayer partner – two are better than. You need help to go through the battle until you receive what is rightfully yours.


Receive the Word to Build Your Faith (Judges 7:13-25)

When Gideon heard the dream and its interpretation; he received the extra gumption he needed to go forward and boldly fight the Midianites. There is a word you need and I hope that it’s from this blog post today that will give you that push forward towards your goals and into your destiny.


Just as God understood Gideon’s concerns and daunting fear, He understands yours. God worked with him until he overcame it.  God assured him, moved him forward every step before and into the battle and at the right time fear was fully defeated and victory won.

You may fear doing God’s will or something new or different but God is with you. If you fear and yet move forward, step by step, God will be with you. He will anoint you. He will give you peace. He will put His Spirit upon you. He will give you words of comfort and the promise of success. He will make you bolder than a lion and you will move forward and do something great. Fear not, for the Lord is with you.

How do you deal with fear? Do you give your fears over to God and believe that He is with you at all times?

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10 Ways to Move Forward in the New Year

Image credit: ximagination / 123RF Stock Photo

I like this time of year. Yes, it is filled with much excitement. However, I also like it because it’s an opportunity to start afresh. The New Year is a new season, a new beginning. It’s a time to keep moving forward but with renewed hope and energy.

As I look back on the year it was indeed for me a Year of New Beginnings. The Lord helped me to make some new and wonderful starts in my life. I started a new job, began a blog, purchased a much-needed vehicle, worked hard at completing the writing, editing, and interior and cover design for my new book and published the e-book in December. I achieved more than I expected but frankly it was all that I desired.

As I reflect on last yer there were some habits I developed and things I did which I will continue to do in this year. I hope that by sharing these you too will adopt one or two of them to help you through this year:

  1. Step out in faith. Do that thing you have always wanted to but didn’t because you were afraid that it won’t work or that people would laugh at you. Whatever was holding you back don’t let it anymore. Faith requires corresponding action.
  2. Start and continue with prayer. Try to keep a visual of your yearly goals (in short form) in your Bible, on your cell phone, on your computer desktop or even on your fridge door. At church the Senior Pastor challenges us to write our goals and to present them before the Lord even before the New Year begins. With those goals in hand, throughout the year, as you work at them you would also pray about them. What goals would you like to accomplish this year?
  3. Put fasting in the mix. It’s a good practice spend some time at the beginning of the year before the Lord. Although I normally spend time in January reading through the Bible, in 2012 I added fasting. I felt that I needed to know the heart of God concerning many areas of my life.  Prayer along with fasting helped me to focus more on the Lord’s will for my life.
  4. Keep working steadily. It takes discipline and diligence to keep working toward your goals. Sure, we are not perfect and we may at times fall off track but we have to get back up and start moving again. Revive yourself if you have slackened your pace and start again.
  5. Trust God to help you. Don’t rely on your strength. I like Isaiah 41:10. God promises to help me and strengthen me. I need that reminder very often. Sometimes we can get discouraged and become afraid of those things that are seemingly bigger than us, we need to remember that God is with us and will help us. Not only that He will sustain us and give us success.
  6. Take short breaks. Refresh yourself. I am always on the go and sometimes find myself too exhausted. I have experienced the benefits of taking short breaks – sometimes just 15 minutes during the day is enough to recharge me.
  7. Don’t beat yourself up. If you don’t accomplish the goal when, where and how you want to, make adjustments and keep moving forward to your goal. Tell yourself that you can make it instead of being hard on yourself.
  8. Ask God for favor. You need His goodness all the time and you need others to show kindness to you too. It starts with asking God to touch the hearts of others to help you in your daily activities.
  9. Make adjustments. I can’t begin to mention how many times I changed my timeline for publishing my first book. With family commitments, other responsibilities and the unexpected events of life, I had to make changes along the way but still I was able to achieve what I wanted. Changing course does not mean giving up. A traffic diversion does not mean you won’t reach your intended destination.
  10. Give thanks along the way. Sometimes we can get caught up in the busyness of life and forget to honor God with thanksgiving. As I mentioned in an earlier post, create seasons throughout the year to review and celebrate where you are, where you’ve been and where you are going. Pause (Selah) and think about how God has helped you and give Him thanks for His blessings.

I plan to continue using these habits and principles during this year. I hope you will too. This year, keep moving forward. Challenge yourself and set goals that take you outside of the box.  Expect the goodness and mercies of the Lord to follow you and overtake you.

This year may the blessings of the Lord increase in your life and His goodness be more real to you. Happy New Year!

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