You’re Special!

Being a Christian is a great blessing. During a recent prayer meeting the Lord drew my attention to 1 Peter 2:9-10 and I began to pray this scripture. As I took a deeper look into this word, I realized how much God has blessed us, even honored us, because we have accepted Christ. Consider how much God has elevated you:

You have been chosen

Isn’t this comforting to know that you have been chosen? You have been picked out. God has chosen you not because you deserve it but because He loves you. Jesus has also chosen you for a purpose – to make you successful (John 15:16).

You are royalty

You are a king. You are seated with Christ in heavenly places. When the enemy looks at you – he knows that you are royal son or daughter of God. If you fully understand your right as a child of God, you will know and live like a king. You will speak with authority. You will not accept excuses or give excuses. You will see life from the position of victory and success. You will expect nothing but the best!

You are a priest

Wow! You are a minister to God – to worship, to prayer, to offer spiritual sacrifices to Him. God expects you to worship Him. He expects you to spend time with Him so you can get to know Him better and understanding His plan for you. This takes time and effort; it’s a sacrifice especially when you don’t always feel like praying or worshiping.

You are holy

Being holy is to hate and shun evil and do what is right according to God’s righteous standards. As priests we are expected to be holy. That’s God’s requirement for his priesthood (1 Peter 1:13-14). He wants us to be like Him in every way.

You are God’s own precious possession

You are special, especially to God. God’s loves you more than anyone else on the earth loves you. Jesus gave His life up for you out of love before you even thought of Him. He is willing to do anything for His precious ones – protect, heal, deliver, bless. Anything for your good, He has done and He will do.

You proclaim His praises

You are the light in this dark world. Colossians 1:13-14 reminds us that we have been delivered from the dominion of darkness and have been brought into the Kingdom of God’s Son. We have been freed up to praise Him and to display His light and love to others.

You have an identity

You have received His mercy and you belong to the Most High God. You uniqueness is found in Him who shows you His love and mercy. Now you can walk in your royal priestly anointing everyday.

We ought to be forever thankful to God for whom we have become through Christ.

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