Simplify Your Life: Remove the Clutter

Clearing the clutter
lenm / 123RF Stock Photo

As we continue this Simplify Your Life series, our focus moves from reducing the electronic load to being clutter-free. In this world, it is easy to accumulate more than we need. We overstock our homes with too much clothing, food, electronics, and many boxes of stuff that has not been used in years. We keep more than we need and as a result often feel claustrophobic and weighted down by all the stuff we have.

Clutter or disorder is not a part of God’s nature. Creation was the process God used to set the earth in order. He took great care in making this universe function in an orderly fashion – day and night, water and land, heaven and earth – were all created with a purpose. There is nothing chaotic or cluttering about creation.

This same order and purpose for everything is what makes life simple and free. Like our Father, we should have every area of our lives organized. We should rid ourselves of anything that encumbers us. Let look at some ways we can live clutter-free.

Simple Life Habits For Everyday Success
  • Take time over the next few weekends or take half-hour slots every day for a week to remove some unwanted stuff.
  • Apart from giving your home a lighter feel or look, you will know where to find what you need and certainly release a heavy load.
  • Clear your closets of the clothing you don’t wear, don’t like and that no longer fits. Give away the nicer ones and toss what looks worn.
  • Flexing your generosity muscles will make you feel good.
  • Reduce the paper load. For each piece of paper decide what you will do with it – file, read, action, or trash.
  • Controlling the paper giant will make it easier for you to find information when you need it.
  • Keep things where they belong (in their designated place of your home or office).
  • This will save time, effort and frustration especially when you quickly need to find something.

There are other areas that you may need to de-clutter as well. Do you receive newspaper and magazine subscriptions that you don’t have time to read? Take a look in your pantry – do you have expired and soon-to-be expired food stuff? What about your garage – is it overloaded with boxes? Consider your car – do you keep it tidy or is the trunk another place for storage?

Having moved from a three-bedroom house to a one-bedroom condo unit at one point, I know how it feels to have too much in a small space. When I did a major clearing of items I no longer needed, I felt a lot better – I felt relieved and free.

How do you keep clutter under control?

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