child of God

Where Can You Find Safety In This World?

God over all

Life is no trouble-free zone and although we try our best to take care of and protect ourselves, we’re not very good at it.  Even in seasons of celebration and good times, in this world there is still turmoil, death, sickness, wars, and every kind of calamity that we silently hope would not come close to home.

For several weeks now, I have been meditating daily on Psalms 91:1-16 (AMP). I am fully persuaded that I am alive and well because of God’s protection and care. It is God alone who keeps us. He is always looking out for us and wanting our best. This does not mean that in this fallen world there won’t be trouble at times but certain there is a way we can keep most of them away. If you make the promises of God your own, if you make the Lord your secret place, you will be find safety while living in this world.

As I meditated on and prayed Psalm 91 over the past few weeks, I have some promises that I hold dear to my heart and wanted to share with you:

  • I am safe in God. He is my Protection and my Safety Nest. I imagine being a little girl with her Dad who she sees as Strong and Invincible. No one can defeat my Dad and when I am with Him I am so very sure that everything is alright and I don’t need to be afraid of anything (Ps. 91: 1-2, 5-6).
  • Although trouble may lurk and try to attack me, I am sure that God will rescue me from it. He will even allow me to see from a distance the trouble He kept me from (Ps. 91: 3, 7-8).
  • Jesus has given me authority over the enemy and nothing can harm me (Ps. 91: 13; Luke 10:19). Therefore I must use that authority as a defensive and offensive weapon against to works of the devil.
  • I especially like the benefit of being trouble-free and sick-free when God is my Refuge and My dwelling place (Ps. 91: 9-10).
  • It is comforting to know that I am not alone. The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the angels of God are all on my side. God’s angels are specifically assigned to watch over me and each member of my family. I have my own 24/7 body guards who even make sure that I don’t do anything to hurt myself (Ps. 91:12). Wow! Indeed, if God is for me, who can be against me!
  • Even when there is danger, God will come to my rescue and hide me in a place of safety (Ps. 91: 14) and be with me in the midst of troubled times (Ps. 91:15).

I hope that as you read how I have applied this scripture to my life that you would be encouraged to make the Lord your hiding place and reap the benefits of doing so:

  1. I dwell in the secret place (presence) of the Most High and I shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow (protection) of the Almighty God (the Unconquerable One). [Almighty God, You are Shaddai is the All-sufficient God, who is forever capable of being all that I need.] Lord, You are the Almighty God whose power no foe (no sickness, no disease, no trouble) can withstand.
  2. Lord, You are my Refuge (Shelter) and my mighty Fortress, on You I lean and rely, and in You I [confidently] place all my trust!
  3. For You will deliver (rescue) me from the snares set by my enemies and from the deadly pestilence (plagues).
  4. Like a bird protecting its young, Lord You will cover me with Your feathers, and protect me under Your wings (my hiding place and my refuge). Lord, Your truth and faithfulness are a shield around me (a rock solid wall and a fire wall to protect me) and my armor. [Eph. 6:10-18]
  5. I shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow (the evil plots and slanders of the wicked) that flies by day,
  6. Nor shall I be in fear of the plague (pestilence) that stalks in darkness, nor of the destruction and sudden death that surprise and strike at noonday.
  7. A thousand will fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand, but they (my enemies nor their weapons) shall not come near me.
  8. I shall look with my eyes [while inaccessible in the secret place of the Most High] and see the punishment (just reward) of the wicked (but I shall not suffer because of it).
  9. Because You Lord are my Refuge, and the Most High my dwelling place (my only home),
  10. No evil shall come to me; plague (sickness, disease or calamity) shall not come near my home (my household or my body).
  11. Father, You will command Your heavenly messengers to guard (accompany, defend and preserve) me in all my ways [as I obey and serve the Lord].
  12. Let them hold me up on their hands so that I will not crash, or fall or even graze my foot against a stone. [Luke 4:10-11; Heb. 1:14]
  13. I shall walk on the lion and cobra; I shall trample on the young lion and the serpent underfoot. [Luke 10:19]
  14. Because I love You Lord with all my being, therefore will You rescue me from harm. You will protect me (You will set me above danger), because I know and understand Your name [I know You intimately. I know Your mercy, love, and kindness– I trust and rely on You, knowing You will never forsake me, no, never].
  15. I shall call upon You Lord, and You will answer me; You will be with me through hard times (trouble). You will deliver me and grant me honor.
  16. With long life (many good and healthy years) Lord You will I satisfy me and show me Your salvation. I will experience the abundant eternal life of God, love, joy, peace, healing, deliverance, freedom, provision, prosperity and every good and perfect gift from God.

Thank you Lord for keeping me safe. Amen.

God, the All-Sufficient One is your Refuge! I hope what you have read encourages you to pray the Word and find safety and peace in God.

What other scriptures do you mediate or pray that are comforting to you?

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God’s Provision Ahead

Wise mean
Image credit: vanilladesign / 123RF Stock Photo

When they heard the king, they departed; and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

—Matthew 2:9-11 (NKJV)

For Christmas, we have made it a family tradition like others to decorate a Christmas tree. In addition, we would always place the manger scene under the tree to keep us focused on the reason for our celebration. One morning while sitting in the family room, I looked across at that tree and my gaze fell upon figures of the wise men with the gifts. It was then I realized, “God provided for Jesus’ needs the very day He was born. He was the beneficiary of those gifts that were presented.” Then I thought, “God provided for me even before I was born.”

2 Peter 1:3 (AMP) clearly says, “For His divine power has bestowed upon us all things that [are requisite and suited] to life and godliness, through the [full, personal] knowledge of Him Who called us by and to His own glory and excellence (virtue).”

Often times we worry about our needs and wonder if we have enough for now and the future. But throughout Scripture, God has proven to us that He is not only our Creator but He is as a Father who protects, nurtures and sustains us by His power.

God feed us. In Genesis, God planted a garden for us. The earth is filled with food, water, shelter, gold and other precious metals for our use. He has filled our mouths with good things. He satisfies us daily.

God gives us wealth. He wants us to be financially empowered. God did not allow Israel to come out of slavery as an impoverished nation. But they came out with riches having more than enough to build a tabernacle unto the Lord. God delights in our prosperity.

God provides shelter. God makes land and houses for us. He provided a Promised Land with houses and vineyards that Israel did not build nor cultivate. He does the same for us. Many of us are blessed with beautiful houses to live in.

The story of Jesus birth shows God’s Fatherly love for His Son. God provided for Jesus through the wise men. God will also provide for you through similar means as you receive gifts this Christmas season. But beyond this giving and receiving season, God daily provided what you need in many ways. He is constantly bearing gifts on you because He wants the best for you. He is one special Father who knows what you need even before you ask Him (Matthew 6:8).

During Christmas 2012, honor Jesus for the gift He has given – eternal life. Also thank God the Father for daily providing for you. And appreciate the Holy Spirit who has come to guide you and comfort you when you need help.

I thank God for providing in advance for all my needs. Do you recognize how God provides for you even before you ask?

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You’re Special!

Being a Christian is a great blessing. During a recent prayer meeting the Lord drew my attention to 1 Peter 2:9-10 and I began to pray this scripture. As I took a deeper look into this word, I realized how much God has blessed us, even honored us, because we have accepted Christ. Consider how much God has elevated you:

You have been chosen

Isn’t this comforting to know that you have been chosen? You have been picked out. God has chosen you not because you deserve it but because He loves you. Jesus has also chosen you for a purpose – to make you successful (John 15:16).

You are royalty

You are a king. You are seated with Christ in heavenly places. When the enemy looks at you – he knows that you are royal son or daughter of God. If you fully understand your right as a child of God, you will know and live like a king. You will speak with authority. You will not accept excuses or give excuses. You will see life from the position of victory and success. You will expect nothing but the best!

You are a priest

Wow! You are a minister to God – to worship, to prayer, to offer spiritual sacrifices to Him. God expects you to worship Him. He expects you to spend time with Him so you can get to know Him better and understanding His plan for you. This takes time and effort; it’s a sacrifice especially when you don’t always feel like praying or worshiping.

You are holy

Being holy is to hate and shun evil and do what is right according to God’s righteous standards. As priests we are expected to be holy. That’s God’s requirement for his priesthood (1 Peter 1:13-14). He wants us to be like Him in every way.

You are God’s own precious possession

You are special, especially to God. God’s loves you more than anyone else on the earth loves you. Jesus gave His life up for you out of love before you even thought of Him. He is willing to do anything for His precious ones – protect, heal, deliver, bless. Anything for your good, He has done and He will do.

You proclaim His praises

You are the light in this dark world. Colossians 1:13-14 reminds us that we have been delivered from the dominion of darkness and have been brought into the Kingdom of God’s Son. We have been freed up to praise Him and to display His light and love to others.

You have an identity

You have received His mercy and you belong to the Most High God. You uniqueness is found in Him who shows you His love and mercy. Now you can walk in your royal priestly anointing everyday.

We ought to be forever thankful to God for whom we have become through Christ.

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Who Are You?

If someone asked you that question, what would you say? Maybe you would tell them your name or you may say that you are a child of God. Those responses would be quite right but have you really thought about who you are?

God’s word constantly reminds us of who we are in the eyes of God our Father. We are so much more than meets the natural eyes. We are more than just the physical body we see in the mirror or that others see as we go about our daily lives. We are living spiritual beings (Genesis 2:7).

God made us very special. Of all His creation, we (human beings) are the only ones who have been made to be like Him – in His image and likeness – (Genesis 1:26-27). Also, we are the only ones who have been given authority over all of the rest of creation (Genesis 1:26-28).

But what is being made in His image and likeness suppose to be? As a child growing up, someone may have told you that you look like your dad or your mum. Even if you hold no physical resemblance to your parents, you may act or speak like them in someway and sure enough you may hear someone say, “She’s acting just like her mum.” Some children don’t like to be told that they are like their parents. While as parents, we are often happy to know that our children either have our physically resemblance or do something like we do.

But since God is Spirit how do we look like Him? Well, we too are spirit. The image of God we carry is in how we represent Him. It’s not a physical representation but a spiritual one. It’s in our character. Do we act like God? Do we love like God? Are we creative and productive like He is? Do we exercise patience like He does? Are we merciful or forgiving like Him?

There is so much to God’s image that we need to be like. As His children, we are His representatives to those who know Him and to those who do not Him know. Not ‘looking’ like our Father doesn’t speak well of Him and does not please Him. Being like our Heavenly Father makes Him proud and causes Him to smile at us.

As you ponder over this question, make it your aim to be like your Father. Be a good child of God. Make your Father smile.

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