Simplify Your Life: Reduce the E-Load

In this Simple Your Life series, we have identified simple life habits we can develop to make our lives easier. This topic may prove a bit of a challenge but if we try it we would be pleasantly surprised by the relief it brings. Today we want to focus on how we can lessen the weight of the electronic world from off our shoulders.

Laptop, mobile phone, tablet, pc, gps
Image credit: maxxyustas / 123RF Stock Photo

How can you actually do this? I process my personal emails at least three times a day – before work, lunch time and after work. It works wonderfully! Along with that simple life habit, I also decided that there were some email subscriptions which I don’t need anymore – so I’ve removed my email address from these mailing lists.

Check your inbox, how many emails do you actually read or tell yourself that you will attend to later. Clean your inbox. Find out how to merge them or close a few if you have to.

We need to keep simple and under control what we can and email management is one of them. Here are some simple life habits you can develop to manage the e-load.

Simple Life Habits For Everyday Success
  • Avoid the temptation to check your inbox too often. Process emails at least three times a day.
  • Email management will help you to be more focused on and productive in your work.
  • Reduce the number of emails you receive. Consider eliminating some personal email accounts.
  • This gives you the freedom to actually read what is of most importance.
  • Set time limits on your social media activity.
  • When you place controls on this activity you will gain quality social time for family and friends.
  • It’s easy to get distracted online clicking a link here and a link there. If you have to do research online, write what you are looking for and when you’re done close the browser.
  • Being intentional in how you use the internet will ensure that you carry out what you wanted to.
  • Technologies are great but limit the number of gadgets (mobile phone, desktop, laptop, e-reader, GPS, and tablet) you have.
  • You will have fewer devices to support and avoid additional cost of purchasing or upgrading.

Not being technology savvy or connected is unheard of in this age. However, it’s this ‘need’ to connect that makes life complex at times. We often have no breathing space because there is always someone to respond to or something to do. Having less is sometimes more.

I know that there are ways to keep abreast of e-life happenings and still keep it simple. What do you do to keep the e-load in check?

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  1. Pingback: Simplify Your Life: Remove the Clutter « Live Out Loud!

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